Atlantic Coast Camellia Society

Suburban Garden Club
Town and Country Garden Club
Green Court Garden Club
All Seasons Garden Club
Camellia Garden Club

Show Results Augusta, GA - February 2, 2019

Lady Ruth Ritter
C. reticulata ' Lady Ruth Ritter'

Augusta Camellia Show
February 2, 2019
Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church
Fellowship Hall
3500 Walton Way Ext
Augusta, Georgia

Show Chairmen - Jim Dickson
1008 Blooms Exhibited
500 Attendees
45 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate (unprotected): 65 Blue Ribbons, Tony & Christine Smith
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 24 Blue Ribbons, Wesley & Martha Fisher

Gold Certificate (protected): 37 Blue Ribbons, Buck & Tyler Mizzell
Silver Certificate (protected): 22 Blue Ribbons, Mack & Ann McKinnon


Best Bloom in Show - The Sand Hills Garden Club Award: 'Margaret Davis', David & Anna Sheets

C. japonica unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Mark Chason Var.', Tony & Christine Smith
Md: 'Grand Marshal Var.', Miles & Brenda Beach
Sm: 'Little Bo Peep', Tony & Christine Smith

C. japonica protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Tomorrow Park Hill Var.', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
Md: 'Cherries Jubilee', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
Sm: 'Tudor Baby', David & Anna Sheets

Best C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected: 'Miss Sally', Geary & Bonnie Serpas

Best C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected: 'Hall's Pride Var.', Buck & Tyler Mizzell

Best C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected: 'Mona Jury Var.', Geary & Bonnie Serpas

Best C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected: 'Julie Var.', John Newsome
Best Miniature unprotected: 'Fircone', Paul & Corinthia Greenway

Best Miniature protected: 'Mini Pink', John Newsome

Best White Bloom unprotected: 'Lois Coker', Jim & Carolyn Dickson

Best White Bloom protected: 'Melissa Anne', Buck & Tyler Mizzell

Best Sasanqua (and related species): 'Shibori-egao', Paul & Corinthia Greenway

1 'Linda Carol', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
2 'First Blush', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
3 'Pearl's Pet', Wesley & Martha Fisher
4 'Little Babe Var.', Tony & Christine Smith
5 'Charlie Bettes', Julia Leisenring
6 'Pearl's Pet', Julia Leisenring
7 'Miss Charleston Var.', Geary & Bonnie Serpas
8 'High Fragrance', Wesley & Martha Fisher
9 'Frank Houser Var.', Geary & Bonnie Serpas
10 'Black Gold Var.', Mack & Ann McKinnon
11 'Georgia National Fair', Geary & Bonnie Serpas
12 'Ville de Nantes Red', Buck & Tyler Mizzell


Best Tray of Three-same variety unprotected: 'Magic City', Wesley & Martha Fisher

Best Tray of Three-same variety protected: 'Melissa Anne', Buck & Tyler Mizzell

Best Tray of Five-different varieties unprotected: 'Jacks', 'Dream Boat', 'Sea Foam', 'Sawada's Dream', 'Diddy Mealing', David & Anna Sheets

Best Tray of Five-different varieties protected: 'Edna Bass Var.', 'Tomorrow Park Hill', 'Helen Bower', 'Lady Laura', 'Elegans Champagne', Mack & Ann McKinnon

Best Seedling: 'Seedling', Laura Phinizy

Best Sport (Mutant) Bloom: 'No Entry',

Best Bloom by Novice Exhibitor - Grown unprotected: 'Magnoliaeflora', Laura Phinizy

LOCAL - Blooms grown in Richmond or Columbia counties
Lg/VLg: 'Mathotiana', Elizabeth Griffin
Md: 'Magnoliaeflora', Frank & Cathy Dolan
Sm: 'Pink Perfection', Frank & Cathy Dolan


Best Antique Bloom (Pre 1900): 'Herme', Julian Roberts